Ultimate Tennis

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Resolving Scoring Conflicts

The information below is designed to assist players in resolving most scoring disputes when they occur.

Disputes While on Court

The best way to avoid scoring conflicts is to call out scores clearly before the start of each point as well as each game. When a dispute in scoring occurs, players must go back to the last point or game in which they agree upon and resume the match from there.

  • Example 1
    Player A calls the score 30 to 15
    Player B believes the score is 30 to 30
    The last score they both can agree on is 15 to 15
    Play resumes from 15 to 15

  • Example 2
    Player A calls the game score of 4 games to 2
    Player B states the game score is 3 games to 2
    They last game score they agree on is 2 games to 2
    Play resumes from 2 games to 2

Incomplete or Retired Matches

Matches that were in progress but not completed are reported as either an Incomplete Match or as a Retired Match. Because the scoring is handled differently between the two, it is important that players clearly understand the difference prior to reporting scores.

When reporting a match that was not completed, report the scores exactly as they were at the time the match stopped. The system will prompt players for the circumstances as to why players were unable to complete the match.

Reporting Defaults

All players are on the honor system and should never report a default unless it is warranted. Since the "winner" is the team determined to report scores, defaults should not be reported until the actual "winner" is determined.

Defaults and No Shows will provide a more detailed explanation.

Scores Reported Incorrectly

To help avoid the incorrect reporting of scores, players should confirm the final score with each other once the match is completed. The winning team captain should then report the match scores as soon as possible.

If a player discovers an incorrect score, they should confirm the correct match score with their opponent and may re-report it prior to the deadline. Corrections of scores that are beyond a scoring deadline should be emailed to Customer Service.

It is in the best interest of all players regardless of who wins or loses a match to review their scores on a regular basis so that corrections can be made in a timely manner. The League Office will not make corrections to scores once the final deadline for the season passes.

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