Welcome to professionally organized tennis.
Expect excellent service, convenient scheduling and best of all, great competition.

Getting started is easy!
- Review your online schedule. You will have 7 matches during the regular season. Half of your matches will be home and half away. All matches should be played and reported by the deadline posted for each week of play.
- Print a copy of your league schedule and keep it in your racket bag. All players must be prepared to produce a copy of their league schedule to reserve courts and play league matches. Many facilities now require proof of participation before you can play as a guest or enjoy special Ultimate Tennis match privileges.
- Print a copy of the "League Rules" and keep it in your racket bag in the event you have a question or concern during the season. Because all league matches are unofficiated, players are responsible for both knowing the rules and enforcing them while on court. The Ultimate Tennis League office will only overturn matches when the "Disputes and Protests" rules have been followed. We also recommend accessing the USTA website for a copy of "Friend at court" which is an excellent quick reference guide on the rules of tennis.
- Call to set up your first match immediately. Both the "home" and the "away" player are responsible for contacting each other. Don't wait for your opponents to call you! Please pick up the phone and initiate the call. Make sure to keep your contact information current.
- Report match scores on time. The winner of the match is normally the player required to report the match scores. However, both players are responsible for ensuring scores are posted timely and accurately. If an incorrect match scores is found prior to the deadline, simply re-report it.
Note: Your schedule is dynamic and will be updated as information changes. Be sure to check your schedule periodically for updates to your division. i.e. phone numbers, email addresses, new players, withdrawals, rain extensions etc. Print out new copies as needed.
We hope you have a great season and thank you for joining Ultimate Tennis.