Ultimate Tennis

Welcome to Ultimate Tennis!

Reporting Scores

Regular season scores are reported from your schedule page. The winner is the designated person to report match scores. However, both players have the ability to report scores and are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all scores are reported on time and accurately. If you have temporarily lost internet access, please have your opponent report your scores. The only way scores can be reported late is through use of your Late Pass. No Exceptions!

Note - The final "end of season" scoring deadline is really final. Once the deadline has passed, no scores may be entered or corrected for any reason. Playoff draws are created immediately after the scoring deadline.

Regular Season Reporting Options:

I played my regular opponent - Use this option to report scores for a match that was completed against your regular opponent. The player reporting the scores must always enter their score first, regardless of who won.

A sub played for me - Use this option if you arranged for a substitute player to play in your place. You will receive credit for the match just as if you played it yourself.

I played against a sub - Use this option in the event you had to find your own sub to play, or you are playing a sub independently from your opponent.

My opponent defaulted. - Use this option if your match circumstances meet the requirements under Defaults and No Shows. You will be given 12 points for this weeks match.

Incomplete Scores: When reporting a score for an incomplete match, enter the scores exactly what they were at the time play stopped. The system will detect that the scores are incomplete and will ask you what caused the stoppage in play.

Why scoring deadlines?

The Ultimate Tennis match format was designed to provide a balance between flexibility and structure that works well for most people's schedules. History has proven that time limits are an absolute necessity for the league to function properly and keep players on track. Without due dates, even as few as two players delaying matches until the end of the season would lead to massive defaults paralyzing entire divisions and creating widespread frustration. With the advent of time limits, non responsive players can be replaced early in the season preserving play for our active members.

Ultimate Tennis has worked hard to earn the reputation of a "player's league" where members are responsive and uphold their commitment to complete their matches. If hard deadlines were not absolutely necessary for the league to run we would not require them.

Thank you for your understanding and your commitment.

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