Ultimate Tennis

Welcome to Ultimate Tennis!

Scoring System Theory

Ultimate Tennis uses a hybrid scoring system that is far superior to a pure point system or win/loss systems used by most other leagues. Our system rewards players for close losses and games earned but also helps protect a player's winning record.

We believe there is a difference between winning a match 6-0 6-0 and 7-6 7-6. Rewarding players with points to highlight this difference has several distinct advantages:

  1. It greatly improves the accuracy of player ratings. By tracking points we can measure the strength of each win or loss. This allows us to pin point exactly how strong a player is at their skill level and when to adjust them up or down.
  2. It keeps players fighting hard to the very last point of a match, even in a losing effort. This reduces players giving up or tanking matches the moment the feel they're going to lose.
  3. It reduces defaults and drop outs because it keeps a higher percentage of people in the playoff hunt longer. Players have a greater ability to generate points which means there is always time to mount a come back. Historically, playoff spots are decided by 3 points or less which makes for a very exciting playoff race.

Our hybrid system also seeks to protect a player's match record. We cap the loser's points at 8 to help ensure that the player who wins more matches will usually achieve more points. If we allowed the loser to earn more than 8 points, there wouldn't be a distinct enough advantage to winning a match.

The Win/Loss System:

The disadvantage of a win/loss system is that results cannot be accurately measured or compared. A win/loss record is only a relevant statistic when everyone in a division plays each other exactly once. This is a rare event because in most cases you will not play the same schedule or set of players as your opponents.

  • Division members often change due to injury withdrawals and replacement players entering the division.
  • Wins or losses by default can not be compared because they do not reflect your ability.
  • Wins against subs are easier to attain than against scheduled opponents because you can choose your own subs.
  • If a sub plays for you, you can win a match without even playing.
  • The number of players in each division can range from 6-12 players. We vary division sizes to keep players in divisions that are close to home which dramatically reduces drive times for our members. This variance also means you will likely not play the exact same schedule or division members.

Consider this:

  • Should a player with a 6-1 record who didn't have to play the strongest player in his division be ranked higher than the 5-2 player who did?
  • Should a 7-0 player who plays 2 subs of his own choosing be ranked higher than a 6-1 player who played everyone on his schedule?
  • Should a default count as a win? i.e. Should a 7-0 player who wins 2 matches by default be ranked higher than a 6-1 player who played everyone on his schedule?

As you can see, it's impossible to compare these results, which is why we use points rather than your win/loss record to determine your rating and divisional standings. Furthermore, win/loss systems create a stale and uneventful seasons because large percentage of players can be eliminated from the playoffs with more than half the season left to play. This creates numerous defaults, dropouts and apathy.

The Pure Point System:

The disadvantage of a pure point system is that it over emphasizes points at the expense of the match record. This system frequently produces results where players with losing records end up with more points than players with winning records.

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