Ultimate Tennis

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Official Protests

The purpose of issuing an offical protest is to help prevent a player from wrongfully claiming a point resulting from a rule violation. The protest provides an avenue for getting around an impasse and allowing the match to be completed and later ruled on by the league office. A match can be overturned based on one disputed point if it is supported by the Ultimate Tennis or USTA rules.

An Official Protest may be filed with the league office only when:

  • An actual rule violation occured during the match (i.e. touching the net during a point, taking excessive time between points, failing to replay disputed points etc.)
  • Both players agree on the events that transpired, however disagree on the interpretation of the rule.
  • A protest was issed at the time of the infraction. If a player does not say anything and continues the match despite of the infraction, they have accepted the results and the match will stand as played.

If a rule violation occurs, the following process must be followed:

  1. Inform the opponent of the violation and give them the opportunity to correct the issue.
  2. If the opponent fails to correct the violation, state that the match will continue from that point forward under an Official Protest to be later ruled on by the league office.
  3. Once the opponent has been informed and acknowledges the protest, complete the match and contact the league office.
  4. The league office will review the protest and determine if the violation warrants overturning the match results.
  5. If a match is overturned, the player issuing the protest will be awarded the win and their opponent will receive the points they earned up until the rule violation.

Read an Official Protest Example

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