Ultimate Tennis

Welcome to Ultimate Tennis!

Match Play

Because all matches are unofficiated, players are responsible for knowing and understanding the rules related to match play. The information below provides the format in which Ultimate Tennis matches are played.

Providing Balls

The "home team" is responsible for providing a new, unopened can of tennis balls at the start of the match. New balls must also be provided by the home team if there has been more than a two day break in play.

Should a match go to a third set, a new can of balls may be introduced only if the player requesting new balls provides them. If a player is willing to provide new balls for the third set, the new balls must be accepted and replace the used balls.

Atlanta players note: the winner does not keep the other player's balls as in the ALTA League.

Warm Up

Teams may have up to a maximum of 15 minutes prior to the start of a match as a warm up. Remember, the warm up is not a time to practice "winners", return of serves, etc. Players should make a good faith effort to hit balls back as close as possible to their opponent.

Match Length

Ultimate Tennis matches are played using a conventional best 2 of 3 sets with a 12 point tie break (first player to 7 winning by 2) played at 6 games all.

When scheduling matches, teams should always allow enough time for a full three set match. This includes, booking courts, having working lights if necessary and starting at a time that allows a match to be completed before a facility closes.

If teams do split sets, the rule is to play a third set. However, there may may be an exception to this rule only if both teams agree to play a tie break in lieu of a 3rd set. If one team wants to play out the third set, it must be played without further discussion. Once agreed upon, a team cannot later change their mind.

Rest Periods and Breaks

In an effort to ensure matches progress within a reasonable time frame, the following standard USTA and Ultimate Tennis rules will be in force:

  • Players are allowed a maximum of 25 seconds between points.
  • Players are allowed a maximum of one minute and thirty seconds when changing sides of the court.
  • Players are allowed a 10 minute break between the second and third sets.
  • Players are allowed a one time 3 minute injury suspension
  • Play shall never be suspended, delayed or interfered with for the purpose of enabling a player to recover his strength, breath, or physical condition.
  • Players may have one toilet emergency visit per match which shall not exceed 5 minutes.

Cell Phone/Beepers

No cell phones or beepers are allowed on court. The first time your cell phone rings during a point, the opposing team has the option of replaying the point. Each subsequent time your phone rings during play, the opposing team is awarded the point.

Racket Size

Rackets used in Ultimate Tennis matches should fall within the guidelines below:

  • Length - The frame of the racket should not exceed 29.0 inches in overall length, including the handle.
  • Width - The frame of the racket should not exceed 12.5 inches in overall width.
  • Hitting Surface - The hitting surface should not exceed 15.5 inches in overall length, and 11.5 inches in overall width.

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