Ultimate Tennis

Welcome to Ultimate Tennis!

Championship Match Procedures

The final round determining the League Champion will be held at a local tennis facility. All rounds prior to the finals will be played under the flexible format.
  • For host facility information and directions click the link at the top of your draw.

  • Start times for Championship matches may range from 8:00am-6:00pm and will be posted at least one week prior to the Championships. Start times will be located in the middle of the draw bracket and shown in red. Note: final round match times are subject to change due to court availability at the host facility and weather. In the event there is a change, your team must be prepared to be available all day on Saturday, (this is standard tennis tournament procedure).

  • Prior to driving to the tournament, all players/teams are responsible for checking email and their draw for possible rain delays and start time changes.

  • Players/teams should arrive at the tournament site 15 minutes prior to their start time. Sign in at the tournament desk to let the tournament directors know you are on site. If we have available courts, we may start your match early.

  • If you or your partner is sick or has an emergency the day of the tournament, you must contact your opponent and the tournament desk. We do not want players driving to the tournament site with no one to play! Players/teams who fail to show up at the tournament site without calling will have their league play suspended and will forfeit all prizes and awards.

  • Championship matches must be played at the host facility. Teams (even if they agree) cannot choose to play the match at another site. Because there is more at stake in the final round, we require the match to be played on site where the tournament staff can provide assistance and control if necessary.

  • Due to a limited number of courts, there will not be any available courts to warm up on prior to the match. If your team needs extra warm up time for your match you must do so at another facility.

  • If a court is not available at your specified match time, please stay on site and check in with the tournament desk regularly for your court assignment. Start times may be delayed if there have been long 3 set matches in earlier rounds or rain.

  • In the event of rain or unexpected delays, play may be suspended for several hours. Even though you have a scheduled match time, players/teams must be prepared to play all day Saturday in the event of bad weather, (this is standard tennis tournament procedure). As stated on the Playoff confirmation page, teams that are unavailable to play at the new start times will be defaulted. We have limited access to the tournament site, so we will make every attempt to complete all rounds during the tournament.

  • Players must wear proper tennis attire. Cut up T-shirts are not allowed.

  • Tennis Balls will be provided at the tournament.

Match Rules

  • Teams are allowed a 10 minute warm-up from when they get on court. Please don't exceed 10 minutes or wait for the tournament staff to ask you to start.

  • Friends and family are not allowed on the courts for any reason. Guests must sit outside the court fencing so the players are not disturbed. Please inform guests that any clapping must be done in an appropriate manner when you win a point. Guests should not clap when your opponents makes an error.

  • Coaching is strictly prohibited; please refrain from talking to outside guests during the match. If you need a towel or water during the match, ask during a change over when your opponents can hear what you are saying. All other talking will be considered coaching and your guests will be asked to leave the area.

  • Disputes over the score is the most common match problem. For this reason, players are required to call out the score before each point is played. Players should also confirm the set score during each change over.

  • If you have a question regarding the score or the rules, come to the tournament desk and ask for help immediately! One of the primary reasons the final rounds are held on site is so the tournament staff can ensure that your match is decided fairly and by the rules of tennis. Do not wait until the end of your match to voice a concern.

  • If you think your opponent has made several bad calls, is not playing by the rules, is being disruptive or unsportsmanlike in anyway, consult the tournament desk on the next change over. You may ask for a tournament official to monitor your match if necessary.

Rain Delays

  • Teams must be prepared to have their match times rescheduled in the event of rain.

  • We will make every attempt to complete as many matches as possible during the tournament.

  • Once the tournament site has taken substantial rain, the tournament director will wait at least 30 minutes before making a decision on whether to delay start times or declare the tournament washed out for the day.

  • In the event Saturday matches are completely rained out, they will be rescheduled under the following flexible format:
    • The finals will be played at the higher seeded players home courts.
    • The winners must submit their match scores online when they have completed the match.
    • Awards will be mailed to both players once all the scores have been submitted.

    We do not provide rain dates or attempt to reschedule the finals because a fixed rain date would force a large percentage of teams to default their matches. We believe that teams that have reached the final rounds have worked too hard to have their championship decided by a default because they did not plan for a fixed rain date.

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